Launching in...
"Treat yourself to Sugarscarf's scarves - the ultimate self-reward gift that combines color, joy, and style."
Get ready to grab the highly coveted our Bloom August Edition .
To show our appreciation for those who battle the crowds to be the first to own these fabulous items, we are offering some amazing prizes for the highest and quickest grabbers.
So, mark your calendars and set your alarms for 8 PM on launch day. Make sure you're the first in line to grab one of these limited edition scarves and be the lucky recipient of some amazing prizes
Be in waiting list and get tips how to get a better chance to win all these prizes View our catalogue in our VIP Waiting List Telegram Room Follow our telegram be our VIP follower and
receive updates/news/promo discount!
1. The offer only limited from 10 AM - 2 PM on 9th March 2024
2. Only eligible for customers who made purchases at website from 10 AM - 2 PM on 9th March 2024
3. Only eligible for those who are currently residing in Malaysia and Singapore only
4. Winners will be announced through Sugarscarf's Official Instagram
5. To be eligible for all prizes and bonus, customer must purchase min 3 pcs or combo stated
6. No Refund if you are not selected as winner
7. Prizes are non-transferable and cannot be resold, or exchanged for cash